James Gunn

James Gunn Is Hired Back to Helm 'Guardians of the Galaxy 3'

Pluralism / Mar 15, 2019 - Source: nytimes

LOS ANGELES — Disney is taking back James Gunn, the creative force behind its “Guardians of the Galaxy” movie franchise, revers

James Gunn rehired for 'Guardians of the Galaxy' sequel

Pluralism / Mar 15, 2019 - Source: cnn

Although Gunn apologized and issued a statement saying, "I understand and accept the business decisions taken," there

Disney rehires James Gunn for Guardians of the Galaxy 3 after firing him over old tweets

Pluralism / Mar 15, 2019 - Source: theverge

“We fully support James Gunn,” the cast wrote.

Disney's James Gunn Firing May Allow Marvel To Reboot 'Guardians Of The Galaxy'

Pluralism / Aug 06, 2018 - Source: forbes

In the tweet heard around the world, Dave Bautista responded to a question concerning his plans to return to Guardians of the G